According to recent Roy Morgan research, distrust in government soared in the second half of 2021. Creation of a Federal ICAC has stalled. Pork barrelling is rife (think sports and car park rorts). Election funding and political donor disclosure remains opaque.
What can be done to break the political gridlock and restore integrity to politics? What role can a community independent for Bradfield play to drive the necessary changes?
As an independent candidate Nicolette is not constrained by a party line. Her views on important issues are well researched, thorough, competent and considered, combining her own experience with input from members of the electorate, experts and advisers.
Join us at 7:30 pm on Monday 11 April for an interactive online event (via Zoom) in which Nicolette will share her priorities, and discuss integrity in politics with Anthony Whealy – Chair of the Centre for Public Integrity, and Saffron Zomer – Executive Director of the Australian Democracy Network. This will be followed by a Q&A session where you will have the opportunity to ask Nicolette questions about this critical policy area.
Mobile users scroll down to RSVP for the Zoom link

If you have a specific question about integrity in politics, or if you would like to be sent further information on Nicolette’s priorities to restore integrity in politics, when it is available, please email in advance of the event [email protected].
Space for this Bradfield’s Issues & Nicolette’s Positions Zoom event is limited. RSVP today to secure your spot, and receive the Zoom link.